Holiday Hub Complaints & Reviews
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Click here for details of all our complaints sections or view our travel and holidays complaints section here. Are you a company? Have you been complained about? Contact us here and we'll publish your response and help resolve complaints. |
Your Holiday Hub Reviews
Mike Davall 14/04/2021 I have just checked my bank statement and found that a sum of £9.99 has been withdrawn from my bank account over the last 4 months. The payees name is My Holiday Hub. I have never subscribed to this site/company. I note that someone else seems to have had this problem, according to your Google page headline. I would like to know what can be done about this and what the previous person managed to do to stop these payment. Man thanks, Mike Davall Michael Fuller: 1/5 Stars 22/05/2018 Refund of 9.99 I have noticed a deduction of £9.99 a month from my account which l have not given permission for and tried to cancel it through the bank however they said l need to cancel it through the company having trouble getting through. I would like a complete refund of all my money Holiday Hub has not yet responded. Colin Dainty: 1/5 Stars 19/04/2018 Refund I would like to have my money back, I have never gave my bank account out to you and require a full refund of £9.99. also I order you not to take any more money out of my account again, and take my details off your web site and records I await to here back urgently. Holiday Hub has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Vivienne Davis: 1/5 Stars 02/09/2017 ive not ordered any item etc from my holidayhub On looking through my bank statement, there is an item from myholidayhub for £9.99. The date is 4th august , and they stated I ordered on the 1st august. I know nothing about this and I am disturbed as how this has happened. Please can you help. Holiday Hub has not yet responded CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
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