KPB Express Complaints & Reviews
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Your KPB Express Reviews
Atiqah Ridzwan: 1/5 Stars 25/12/2019 Bad service I was nearly faced death due to the negligence of the driver. As the luggage storage area of the bus was so spacious and big, I had to take some time to retrieve my bag because my bag located at the most behind and there were many other bags. When I was taking my bag and still in that area, suddenly the door of the the luggage storage area closed. As the result, both of my legs were stuck between the door. The bus started to move at that time. I was very terrified and scared at that time because I was left hanging, with my legs dangling outside the bus. After like 10 seconds, been stuck there, the door reopen and I managed to get myself out. But, driver do not even bother to go out to see my condition and just drove away right after. I got bruises on both of my legs and can't even walk properly after the accident. I'm so upset with the service provided. Not going to use KPB Express again KPB Ekspres has not yet responded. Enz Mayoh: 1/5 Stars 31/05/2019 Seat number I already choose my seat but they give my seat to others and put me in the other seat. This is so annoying! 😠😡 KPB Ekspres has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Kent Woh: 1/5 Stars 24/07/2019 Mis-match bus I bought a bus ticket to go jb from seremban (12.30pm). As usual, I arrived half an hour early to “check in” and get my bus ticket. I waited for 1 hour and none of the KPB bus had shown up. Then I approached the counter and asked why the bus isn’t here yet. She was shocked and ask why you never go up to the bus earlier? I already calling “Larkin larkin” just now. The problem is, none of the bus is KPB ekspres earlier. I bought a KPB ekspres ticket, of course I’m looking for KPB bus, so when she is shouting “Johor Larkin” I thought she was calling for those who belongs to that particular bus company! They are blaming me for not asking, then I ask for a replacement ticket to get me into another bus to go jb. They said they couldn’t make it, I have to buy a new ticket. I was pissed and I went away to another bus company because they offered me a cheaper ticket. I didn’t make the situation awful to scold the ticket seller or blame them. And they are blaming the other ticket seller for snatching their passenger. KPB Ekspres has not yet responded. Nur Hani: 1/5 Stars 29/12/2018 The bus arrived earlier than the time on the ticket/worker say bad words to customer Arrived at 1.00 the ticket shown the bus arrive at 1.15pm then I can't catch the bus it is not the first time being like many times..the worker suppose to tell us the bus will arrive earlier than the time on the ticket..but she didn't..we're the one who was disappointed missed the bus..asked the worker at the counter..she yell at us..using bad words..I won't buy tickets from kpb express anymore..and i will convince my friends and family so that they're not being lied just like me! KPB Ekspres has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Jennifer Tea: 1/5 Stars 05/04/2018 Never never take KPB BUS from JB to KL Not punctual, on the normal weekday, Thursday morning, not a holiday season, no traffic jam, 9:30 am bus leaving the terminal at 10:20 am without valid reason. KPB Ekspres has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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