B&M Complaints & Reviews
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Your B&M Reviews
Mike Hodgson: 1/5 Stars 31/07/2019 Management Ortongate Peterborough Bullies Work here or come to shop as a customer, managers will create scenarios, my contract was customer service assistant, I was offered to work in warehouse August last year, area manager, would know this when he worked with previous manager. Replacement manager came in and moved me from warehouse, and started getting rid of people by bullying them. They had minions who accuse me, created statements enough to get rid of me, sacking me over an allegation which didn't happen. The chairman who done my appeal hearing, wrote words down, couldn't uphold the points by creating fictional lies to defend themselves. They do nothing to find the root cause for bullying and victimisation in the work place, and they are breaking the laws within human rights act. - This confirms that investigations were not taken, and in has been a set up, preplanned. B&M has not yet responded. Jenny Hughes: 1/5 Stars 26/03/2018 Bad attitude would not help I went to Watford b&m store I had a bought a tv on friday which did not work I explained I had only had it 2 days which stated in receipt I know my rights the new consumer law that I was entitled to a refund within 30 days but she was just being awkward and refused to help don’t buy anything expensive from there and if u do make sure u don’t live too far from the store because b&m reckon u have to go back to the store u bought it from B&M has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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John Stamford: 1/5 Stars 01/05/2017 Car airfreashner was placed over my gear stick and two days later it melted the plastic interior I brought the air freashner from b and m and once i got home i placed the freashner over my gear stick as ive always done with any air freashner ive brought and 2 days later i noticed it had burnt the plastic interior around the gear stick. It had bubbled and started pleeling away. We have only had our car 2 years and isnt an old vehicle so as you can imagine were very saddned that this has happened as we look after our car. B&M has not yet responded. Emma: 1/5 Stars 01/07/2016 Need ball dog chewed dangerous I bought my dog a nerf ball within 2 days she bite all the white fluff and Plastic wrapping off which inside was a squeak I think it's quite dangerous my dog could of choked on this plus the red material has been in her poo for days . B&M has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Patricia Dora 15/03/2016 Staff recruitment My foster daughter spent the day handing her cv into all the B&M stores in the area. She visited the store at switch island and handed her cv in. The manager informed her they would be recruiting nearer the Easter period. It has just be posted on a social network site there is a poster in the window advertising for staff at Switch Island. I have just telephoned the Manager and he has just confirmed they are recruiting. On explaining my foster child's interest in a vacancy and her handing in her cv, he informed me it must have been mislaid or lost. How disappointing and disheartening that Management don't even bother to keep a file of kids who take the trouble to apply for jobs and desperately want to work. I doubt I will even receive a reply to this email but for future reference please make Managers aware the importance of people applying for work and need to file CV's that people take so much time with in the hope of finding employment. Many thanks, A very annoyed foster carer… B&M has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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