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Euro Car Parks Complaints & Reviews
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Your Euro Car Parks Reviews
Mo Motlib: 1/5 Stars 31/12/2019 Appalling Customer Service I received a parking ticket on the 08/12/2019 in Cardinal Retail Park, Ipswich for parking my vehicle ‘without purchasing a ticket’. I attended KFC post gym session, where it is clearly signposted all KFC customers are entitled to a free 1 hour parking providing they park in the allocated red bays which i did. Whilst in KFC i started to experience the symptoms of hypoglycemia as i am a type 1 diabetic. My intention was never to get any food from KFC but a coffee but once I started to experience low sugar level i then decided to get a full meal. In this moment my only concern was to bring my sugar level back up and most importantly as i am driving, according to DVLA criteria i have to wait 45 minutes before i can start driving again Because of this i was completely oblivious of the time. Once i received my ticket, i made an appeal with high hopes that they will be able show reason and understanding and on this occasion waive the fine. Shockingly they responded back but failed to acknowledge any of my points such as being a KFC customer or my life long health condition. The reasons why they have rejected my appeal seems very generic and the entire email seems very generic itself. It seems as if they have not taken the time to consider my appeal which i believe has been justified. Furthermore, it’s as if they have a template prepared which they send to every individual that appeals against them. I have been a user of Cardinal Retail Park for more than 10 years and have never failed to pay for a ticket until now which was due to a serious health situation. Despite my effort in providing all the relevant evidence such as proof of being a diabetic, proof of purchase at KFC and my NHS medical card. They have completely disregarded and ignored me and insinuated in their rejection email that i have intentionally parked my vehicle without a ticket, or i may have had an ulterior motive to cheat the system. I am also a member of Better Gym, where their car park is also owned and monitored by Euro Car Parks, as well as many other businesses. I really hope all these business that pay Euro car park to have their customers use the car park realise they in actuality are cheating and extorting money from their customers which will inevitably effect their business. To give an example, if you view my gym’s reviews on Google, you will see all the negative comments of wrongful issuing of car parking tickets by Euro car parks! I hope all those businesses in Cardinal Retail Park realise sooner or later Euro Car Park will have a very detrimental and negative effect on their business. Just look at your customer reviews on google!! Overall I am appalled, disappointed and disgusted with the level of service and the lack of sensitivity they have shown towards me. Euro Car Parks has not yet responded. Benjamin Molloy: 1/5 Stars 25/03/2019 Demanding cash for vehicle release My partner and 3 children were at a dance show , but as my partner was rushing to sort the kids out she oppted to use a euro car parks only to come out of the show at 20:15 pm and realise the gates had been locked , so she ranged me panicking , so i call the number as shown on the info board for an absoluley rude telephone operative to refuse a card payment of £40 as they only do (CASH UPFRONT). So ive told them i want a receipt and i will be taking this further £40 for a 2 second job unlocking a padlock. Absolute rip offs im definitely taking this further basically held a women and 3 children to ransom for cash. Euro Car Parks has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Steve Kennedy: 1/5 Stars 06/11/2019 Company Focused I attended a Euro Car Park (My first) The Machine was broken. 07;40 in the morning, dark I started looking a different machine. As I walked 4 meters from the car, I saw in the distance a Euro Car Park attendant heading towards my car. I asked what they were doing and stated the machine was broken. The person snorted, there is one behind the bus. Off course I could see through a bus. I paid and didn’t get a penalty notice but complained about their attitude. Two emails and nothing. When you ring they won’t give a name and don’t sign emails. I dispute their statements claiming to be professional Euro Car Parks has not yet responded. Beth Lucas: 1/5 Stars 31/07/2019 Car park fine Received a penalty notice for £85 today for allegedly parking in my local Morrisons for 4 hours a couple of weeks ago. Its not a pay and display and is free for customers-I don't even think I was there, but if I was it was for 10 minutes tops!. I asked in Morrisons today about how my reg was captured ,they said there are no cameras in car park ??. The picture of my reg on the penalty notice is just of a number plate no image of the car and staff at the store have told me several people have asked the same thing. If I was in the wrong and had been there for 4 hours instead of the maximum 2 that is signed posted I would have paid. I only live a 5 minute walk from the shop so only park when I am getting more then a carrier bag full. It's ridiculous !!! they won't even answer the phone to talk about it. I have emailed them and siad I am happy to go to court, and have asked for further proof. Euro Car Parks has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Peter Charles: 1/5 Stars 03/08/205 70£ parking charge notice paid for 1hours parking on 24.07.15 entered car park 13.24 left 14.18 they claim no ticket was purchased and displayed which is not true we no longer have the ticket (we keep our car clean ) Euro Car Parks has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare insurance quotes | You could save money on your insurance bills |
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