Kellogg's Complaints & Reviews
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Your Kellogg's Reviews
Carole Cownden: 1/5 Stars 06/11/2015 Hard bits in cereal I have been eating Kellogg's Rice Krispies for many years and never had any complaints until now. There are many really hard little crunchy pieces when eating my cereal, which I am assuming the cereal hasn't been cooked properly?? These pieces in the cereal have really put me off from eating Rice Krispies. Very disappointed. Makes me wonder if you have changed the process. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible Carole Cownden Kellogg’s has not yet responded. John Charles: 1/5 Stars 05/06/2018 Piece of plastic I found a piece of plastic in my bowl of kelloggs cornflakes. Kellogg’s has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Haley Kenyon: 1/5 Stars 15/10/2017 Hard pieces in coco pops The past 2 boxes of coco pops I have puchased, which are for my son to eat, have had tiny hard pieces in every bowl. This had resulted in him being left with a chipped tooth, and so a trip to the dentist and wasting of the product and my money as it is inedible and gone into the rubbish bin. I would like to know what these hard pieces are that people are consuming as it is clearly not for consumption. Kellogg’s has not yet responded. James Carter: 1/5 Stars 03/03/2017 No spoon in my coco pops I got home an my daughter wanted her spoon out of the coco pops an there wasnot one in there she was so disappointed Kellogg’s has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Sylvia Harber: 1/5 Stars 30/10/2016 Special K I always buy Special K with fruit, the Red berries and the Peach and Apricot. They fruit is either all at the bottom or all at the top of the packet which is really annoying, but on my last purchase I thought that the fruit had been left out altogether. When I got to almost the end of the packet, even though the packet didn't seem almost empty, lo and behold a huge block of fruit fell out. It was all stuck together. If you are going to continue making this product isn't there a better way of packaging it? Kellogg’s has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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