KFC Complaints & Reviews
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Your KFC Reviews
Sarah: 1/5 Stars 03/06/2015 Waiting time KFC IN ballymena! Only 1member of staff on tills. Resulted in a long wait! Also, took 13minutes for is to actually get th food after ordering! Not impressed! "Fast food" not so much!! KFC has not yet responded. Grahame Heywood: 5/5 Stars 03/06/2019 KFC Always great chicken, chips have to be checked in case they're cold but they will always provide fresh ones if they are. KFC has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Ciril Skaria: 3/5 Stars 11/08/2019 Krushems Krushems cup size keep being cut down, now it's small and the customers get less for the same price. During winter, the reduced size of cups make sense. During Summer at least sell the old style large cups and increase the quantity of krushems to regular or large. KFC has not yet responded. Kiara Sweeney: 1/5 Stars 14/12/2017 NHS discount NHS discount has been turned away at hazel grove kfc as they are choosing to not take it anymore.. could have just been this one but I don’t think it’s right and they should sort it out!! Have been using it for years and all of a sudden there manager from today has turned it away. KFC has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Tulat Raja: 1/5 Stars 28/09/2017 NHS discount I was told that KFC guve discount to NHS staff and Police by KFC staff in Ilford but when i went to KFC in Walthamstow i was told only Police get a discount! This is outrageous that you are embarrassed this way by different branches. Either you do look after people doing noble jobs or you don't, but to embarrassing people is not ethical KFC has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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