Luxe Models Complaints & Reviews
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Click here for details of all our complaints sections or view our healthcare complaints section here. Are you a company? Have you been complained about? Contact us here and we'll publish your response and help resolve complaints. |
Your Luxe Models Reviews
Azizu Hussein Boakye: 1/5 Stars 03/08/2017 Payment I was decieved and pressured into buying a portfolio worth £2500.My mum payed £350 at the sport and was asked to pay monthly.When we got home my dad got upset of the aggreements and contacted them and they gave us a reduction and so we had to pay £1500 in all.Last month my mum payed £129 and one day after her account got blocked because of them...Am not gonna proceed with this deal further and am not paying any money to them because they are a scam and i regret not knowing that before going to them. Luxe Models has not yet responded. Clair Bevan: 1/5 Stars 22/08/2016 I want to know if they are a liget company Luxe Models has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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