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myFinanceTracker Complaints & Reviews
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Click here for details of all our complaints sections or view our money and insurance complaints section here. Are you a company? Have you been complained about? Contact us here and we'll publish your response and help resolve complaints. |
Your myFinanceTracker Reviews
Kate Beasley: 1/5 Stars 28/06/2017 Money taken from account No idea who myfinancetracker are or why they are taking money from my account. Could you try find out who they are and why they are taking money never signed an agreement or anything with them. myFinanceTracker has not yet responded. Peter Wilkinson: 1/5 Stars 01/08/2017 Unauthorised debt I checked my bank account this morning to discover £27.50 had been taken by an unknown company. After a little research I found that the company was My Finance Tracker. As I'd never heard of these I contacted them to see why they had debited my account. There response was "You signed up for our services via applying for a loan online and now have an active subscription for £27.50 per month. (I still don't know what service they provide). They stated that they sent me numerous emails and text messages confirming this, (I have received nothing from them, even checked my junk folder) They said they would cancel the subscription but I would not be refunded the money they took for a service I had and have no intention of using. After a few more email's they have refunded half of the money and said that would be all I would be receiving. I have now contacted the financial ombudsman for further assistance. A company that preys on the vulnerable. myFinanceTracker has not yet responded READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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