Opus Energy Complaints & Reviews
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Your Opus Energy Reviews
Alina Ilatovska: 1/5 Stars 27/09/2019 Shut company down Absolutely shocking. During 7months contract have been billed £15k.... With a 22p per kWh... Yet nothing gets resolved and everything gets brushed off. Whilst still not resolving issue and making you pay Under duress whilst on a phone…. Opus Energy has not yet responded. Chris Mullinger: 1/5 Stars 02/10/2019 Numerous unrequested attempts to take over our gas supply Our gas supplier has received at least three separate attempts by Opus Energy to take over our business gas supply. We have made no such requests. Our supplier has informed them time and time again that they have a valid contract with us and have not received any notification of any change requested by us. We are happy with our supplier but they tell us they are not able to get Opus Energy to stop making false attempts to take over. Our own attempts to get this company to cease and desist are met with demands for us to give them our details including meter numbers etc before they will even talk to us. We have refused their demands. Extremely shoddy business behaviour. Opus Energy has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Mark G: 1/5 Stars 31/10/2019 Absued by opus I bought a business for my wife 4 years ago , we were played like tennis balls between electric providers until we settled with opus . We never had a problem until our world fell apart last year . My young wife was hit with aggressive breast cancer and we have a 6 year old son , likewise elderly parents and I work full time , we have limited income but I battled to keep everything running . All our payments are direct debit and if something isn’t paid we get an sms so we can rectify any problem. Sadly 10 months ago the direct debit stopped but we didn’t know . We didn’t get any post mail calls or anything and then on the 8th of this month we had a man appear in person with a bill for over 900 pounds , my wife rang opus to find out why but she couldn’t pass the data protection so I sent an email giving my wife permission to the service on my behalf . She asked for a payment plan which was granted . Next thing on the 15 the electric was cut off by two engineers and the premises left insecure . I called opus to explain but after speaking to 3 different members of staff and everntually a manager I explained everything but was told that I didn’t contact them and no plan was ever granted but now we have a bill of almost 2500 pounds and we cannot be put back on until it is all paid . I pleaded to their better nature and said I wanted to remain a good customer but I cannot raise that type of cash and begged for them to put a plan in action but NO WAY they shut the business the only lifeline to raise the money to pay them , they told me to go to debt helpline ...-and also called me a bad debter .. I’m on the floor with no way out . Cancer is a killer and although my wife is on the mend there was no sentiment toward our plight . They said they never received my email however they added my wife onto my account which is what I asked for in the email they said they never got . I’m desparate and feel abused and let down by this company and I really don’t know how they can do this to people who are open with them . Opus Energy has not yet responded. Raj N: 1/5 Stars 09/01/2020 Fraud opus energy please be aware of this fraud opus energy, they wasted my 7 months of my life by putting me falsely on contract and after i won case through ombudsman they didn't issue actual invoice and keep sending me wrong invoice keep stopping switch my supply to other and wasting my time, please never join opus and be careful bcoz they keep buying fraudulently made contract with fraud company, i have lot's of proof against them. i would like to request to government to cancel their licence for betterment of the country, there should not be place for fraud like this who keep targeting small business and looting them Opus Energy has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Kim Keeping: 1/5 Stars 10/02/2020 Read all the reviews before going with this company I’m utterly astounded this Company is still operating apparently I’m tied into them till 2022. I know nothing about this, the broker never mentioned it and I certainly haven’t signed anything agreeing to this. I have paid them around £3k for 18 mtgs of electric and they are still threatening to disconnect my meter. They say I still owe £500. So over 18 mths thats about £195 p/m. I’ve spoken to EON, BG & EDF today & their average costs work out between £85-£95 p/m if I switch to them. Be warned ! Opus Energy has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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