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Parking Eye Complaints & Reviews
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Your Parking Eye Reviews
Dave Marrin: 1/5 Stars 20/03/2019 Beware Had a genuine appeal rejected. Beware this horrific company that clearly want to take your money for nothing Parking Eye has not yet responded. Andrew Hall: 1/5 Stars 07/01/2019 Parking Charges Companies like this should not be allowed to trade, they are an absolute disgrace. They operate at my gym and have tried to charge me 3 times now, twice to the same car! Parking Eye has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Denise Boraine: 1/5 Stars 02/08/2017 Disgrace Company Traded my car in with Bristol Street Motors on the 19th of March 2017. In May 2017 I received a letter stating that the car had parked in Derby in May and there is a £ 100 fine. I got in touch with the dealer who said just inform them that the car was not in my name any more. Up to date I have sent them three letters, all registered, with evidence from the DVLA and the dealer that I am not the owner of the car . Today I got another one asking for further evidence before they will consider my appeal. I am now awaiting the court date hearing. I cannot believe that they are still considering an appeal. I sm not appealing but will be seeing them now Parking Eye has not yet responded. Andrew Jackson: 1/5 Stars 10/06/2018 Hotel guest Parking Fine overuled £160 fine and threat of Court Action for an alleged offence whilst staying at Crown Plaza , Gatwick on 17/3/17. They finally admitted I didnt owe them anything on 10/6/18. over 15 months later. Thats how long it took them to believe me and the hotel. 15 months of threats, stress and wasted time. Not even an spology - beneath contempt this grubby company, Parking Eye has not yet responded CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Andrew Moran: 1/5 Stars 27/03/2017 Parking fine Got home today 27/3/17 to find a letter saying I owe £100 for an occidental that happened on the 4/2/17. This is the first correspondence I have received . Surely there is a 14 day reduced fee before they hammer me with £100 fine ? Parking Eye has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare insurance quotes | You could save money on your insurance bills |
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