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Your Poundland Reviews
George Wilson: 1/5 Stars 05/12/2019 Faulty goods I recently bought a USB. charger from pound land for £5 . This item is faulty so I phoned them was told to do it by email and send photos of the product. Did this and they responded by saying they will not refund or replace this product because I have used it . Well all I can say to pound land is of course I used it that's how I know it is faulty. Thought that would be obvious to them Poundland has not yet responded. Christie Wilkinson: 1/5 Stars 06/08/2019 Lorry driver- harlow One of your lorry drivers going to the Harlow depot just nearly crushed 2 cars on the a414. Around 4.45-5pm today the 6th August there was heavy traffic coming from ware into Harlow on the a414. Your lorry driver decided not to sit in traffic but to instead nearly crush me and another car to push into our lane to turn right at a roundabout. No indication that he was coming over instead the car in front had to speed up and I had to slam on my brakes even then he nearly caught the front right wing of my car. He proceeded to make hand signals when several cars blasted their horns at him for his dangerous driving. He was an older man around 60. He should not be a lorry driver, if it wasn’t for me and the car infronts quick reactions we could of been seriously hurt and he had no care in the world what he had just done. He had plenty of time to get in the lane of traffic but his impatience nearly caused a serious accident. He was in a plain green lorry with only a small sign of the back with Poundland recruitment if that makes it easier to identify him. Poundland has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Jo Brown: 1/5 Stars 14/04/2019 Sexist T-shirts for toddlers Poundland is selling pink T-shirts for small girls with the logo "Lock up your daughters" This may sound like harmless banter to some. But, it is outrageous and blatant misogamy and sends this dangerous message to young boys and men (who are already drenched with depraved and stereotypical attitudes towards women and girls, especially from on-line obscene sites, but also, in every day misogamist attitudes in the media and from misogamist male attitude towards women in general) that females are vulnerable and easy victims. And that it is okay for them to be predators. Meanwhile, giving the message to young girls that they must hide away from males who think they are entitled to harass women for sex. Recently, on a Bus, a teenage Arab boy, full of bravado, strode up to me with his mates in tow. Although, there was no child with me, he sneered "Give me your daughter, how much?" I replied, "Since my daughter is 2 yrs old, you must be a paedophile." He quickly retreated into the snivelling, indignant little creep that he is, professing in a panic that he was, (in his words) "not one of them sick types". His mates laughed and poked fun at him. I told him, that he would make others think of him as a 'sick' pervert with attitudes like that towards females. I'm a mature person. I dress conservatively. I walk confidently in the street and mind my own business, yet, I have been propositioned a number of times and asked "How much? " or although, I'm wearing sunglasses and a cap, so they cannot see my face, they sneer "Dog" or "old crow" to their mates, for no reason. Just a spiteful put down to undermine a female who has not looked in their direction. Sometimes, if I wear a Hi Viz Jacket with sunglasses when I leave my bicycle at the Station, and especially if I do anything like run up the escalator or when I'm in a hurry and I happen to slam my Rail Card onto the ticket checker device at the barrier, although, I'm a straight, heterosexual, I receive sneers of 'dyke' from males, when they can't even see my face, which is quite feminine. Are males so intimidated by females who appear strong that they have to make spiteful remarks all the time? My Mum & Dad were motorcyclists, used to go to the Ace Cafe, Neasden. We all rode 600cc,Trial bikes in the 1970's. And no-one ever commented on a female riding a high-powered bike. But, I had to give up riding motorbikes because in recent years, I got so fed up of the constant misogamist sneers of 'dyke,' 'lesi' because males now have stereotypical attitudes towards women due to the narrow image of submissive, women in on-line obscene, depraved sites featuring submissive women. And if women don't appear to behave in a submissive, simpering, vulnerable manner or don't wear provocative clothing, they are dismissed as not being available to men for their gratification, so are sneered at in derogatory terms as 'dykes'. Though, I'm heterosexual, everyone should be able to choose their orientation, without denigration. For a small female child to be made wear a T-shirt with a logo that gives the message to her that her gender is there for obscene male fantasy and gratification, while giving the message to males that women exist for their obscene fantasy and pleasure, is down right depravity. Poundland should remove these disgusting depraved messages from their T-Shirts immediately. Poundland has not yet responded. Teresa Jones: 1/5 Stars 23/12/2017 Manager While shopping in Poundand manager was very rude and bullying towards staff members. He also used abusive language towards certain members of staff which was overheard by customers and myself. I think the staff members do a excellent job but the manager who I understand is new to the company could do with some training. I work with the general public and if I spoke to anyone with that attitude it would be severely dealt with. I use poundland on a regular basis but I will take my custom elsewhere if the attitude of the manager continues towards customers and staff. (A very disappointed customer) Poundland has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Kevin Michael: 2/5 Stars 13/10/2017 The end of checkout staff. In Poundland, London Road, Derby today. Nice big store, recently refurbished, loads of great products. Got to the checkout to be told by a member of staff (stood behind a till) that it was self service only. I won't work for Poundland for free as a checkout operator and I don't like having no choice in the matter. I also do not support any firm shedding jobs so the public can do them for free. I dumped my very full basket and walked out. Poundland has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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