Safestyle Complaints & Reviews
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Your Safestyle Reviews
Vatsal Mehta: 1/5 Stars 08/01/2020 Aftersales service non existant I had my windows and door fitted with them in the beginning of December and the job was done within 1 1/2 days. I was happy with the fitters but they forgot to put number plates on the door and a security chain. Been chasing them ever since and no one care. Contacted their customer service only to be ignored Contacted the fitters to do the same Emailed them but again no response. All I wanted was for them to send me the accessory so I can put it myself but they don't care Safestyle responded on 17/01/2020: Good morning, We are sorry to read this, please can you email [email protected] with your purchase contract number. We can then get the relevant department to look into this for you. Richard Harper: 1/5 Stars 10/12/2018 Very Poor Customer Service Following our communications with the customer service desk, as instructed we called a locksmith to come and fix the door so that it could be locked. The locksmith also identified an issue with the installation of the door that may have been the reason why the locking plate screws broke the frame. The door frame has not been installed straight. As a result the locking hook has been forced against the locking plate, resulting in the frame cracking and the reason why it came loose. Therefore we could not lock the door. When the door is shut the door creates a lip at the bottom against the frame. The hinges have also been adjusted to the maximum extent, which means any movement of the door over time will not allow us to adjust the hinges and could create a future problem. Couple the above with the recent inspection of the door by the safestyle representative to tell us if it was a low threshold door, as ordered. He stated to me that it wasn't the low threshold door and we would hear from the company soon to let us know what they would do about it. That was 3 weeks ago and we have heard nothing. Customer services dont take any responsibility for dealing with the issues. They say that they dont have access to emails so cant tell if my emails have been received. If you phone after 5 then they say there is no management or supervisors available to escalate complaints to. Considering the installation was not a problem (although it isnt straight) if you get any problems then it seems impossible to get them resolved. Safestyle has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Millie Clarke: 1/5 Stars 26/04/2019 Would give 0 stars if I could. Had a front door fitted by safestyle Uk in January this year. Currently in the queue to have an emergency call out team come and fix it for the FORTH time in 4 months. The first time I had to call out an all hours blacksmith- that they still haven’t refunded me for. The second time the guy just screwed the keep off and put it back on. The third time he did the same thing and opened and shut the door a few times. I was told by a third party I needed the door rehung- safestyle have refused to do this. I was also told to “use another door” to exit my property so that they didn’t have to come out as they claimed it wasn’t an emergency. Utter joke. Am now attempting to get a refund- can anyone advise me on this? And I will definitely be complaining to trading standards. Safestyle has not yet responded. Pat Curran: 1/5 Stars 13/06/2018 bed room window and door furnishings been ringing safe style can never get through to them .plus to contact by email no reply . the bedroom widow won't close and the letter box door knocker and handle have become all tarnished only had them fitted 3 years ago . Safestyle responded on 15/06/2018: Please can you provide your purchase contract number or postcode so that we can locate your details? CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Gillian Dolder: 1/5 Stars 31/05/2018 FAULTY DOOR After cancellation engineer came out on Good Friday to review the door - which was taped up on the inside to try to keep some of the wind/cold air out). He took lots of photos and checked with spirit level - then informed me he was ordering a new door. Now approaching 9 weeks since then and have over the last two weeks been trying to contact customer services (got a response one evening) still waiting for two man team to call to book - got through to pre-install (surprise surprise when they thought they were getting a sale) who after going through to customer services and giving me same pat as above i said was not good enough - guess what he could not get through to them either. i also on Tuesday but a formal complaint in on their website - you guessed it I am still waiitng spent 12 minutes on hold today (i can only call in my lunch hour) NOTHING thinking of calling the insurance company next Safestyle responded on 05/06/2018: We have passed this message onto our Services Department, apologies that you couldn't get through previously. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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