Southern Housing Group Complaints & Reviews
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Your Southern Housing Group Reviews
Sushyy Babiz: 2/5 Stars 24/01/2020 Sinks Maintaining Southern housing they start charging money to unblock the sinks Southern Housing Group has not yet responded. Mohammed Yahiaoui: 1/5 Stars 25/11/2015 No heating and My windows don't open or close I've been with this housing association since 2008. We've had long standing issues with my windows not being able to open or close causing serious problem during summer - blisteringly hot and no air circulation. During winter the windows have gaps so cold air gets through - as you can imagine problems with retaining heat. I have contacted the housing association on numerous occasions over the 2 years since the complaint was logged - I've just had a string of broken promises. Need I say more! My boiler issues have been on and off for the past 4 years, but this April it decided to stop working completely. Numerous engineers have come and fixed different problems, but it would only get the heater working for a coupe of days then it would break down again. So 9 months without heating and hot water! Southern Housing Group has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Roger Whyte: 1/5 Stars 13/12/2017 Neglect of elderly and disabled tenants They seem to have no active policies regarding the protection of elderly and disabled persons in their sheltered housing schemes. My father who is in his seventies lives in a group for the over 55's. There is no resident housing officer.In fact the only time he sees anyone from the SHG is if someone has complained about the noise of his television or he has put his rubbish out on the wrong day. They could not care less. There is a cord alarm to pull if you are ill but this is no help if you collapse out of reach of the cord. They should not have sheltered housing schemes if they cannot be bothered to call on their elderly and disabled tenants at least once a week, then they should not be in business. Southern Housing Group has not yet responded. Deek Thrower: 1/5 Stars 08/12/2017 They want to evict a dying man I am a 72 years old pensioner. I have a severe disablement and end stage COPD with stage 4 heart failure. I also have Alzheimers. Because I simply forgot to pay the rent they have started the first stage of an eviction order.No reminders, no telephone no nothing. All I got was a hand deliver letter with the eviction order.No one knocked just put the letter through my door and ran off. They have the worst ratings of all the housing agencies and should be avoided at all costs. Southern Housing Group has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Stephany Cooke: 1/5 Stars 26/01/2017 Southern Housing Group has lost control We have rented from Southern Housing for just over 3 years.From the start there has been nothing but trouble. My husband is severely disabled and twice had rude notes put on his car and twice had it "Keyed" because some person objected to him parking in a designated public disabled bay because it is an old car and "spoiled" the view from their window. We have also suffered from constant noise from our next door neighbour who seems to need to constant DIY 24/7 Recently we had a new disabled man move in across the way from us. He also suffered severe abuse with notes also stuck all over his vehicle windscreen telling him to move it out of sight. He lasted for 3 months and got stressed so much that he suffered a heart attack on Christmas day. Southern Housing have been informed of the problems many times but so far have done nothing. Southern Housing Group has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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