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Your Staffline Reviews
Michael Plowman: 1/5 Stars 06/04/2018 Long wait for nothing I was inducted by staffline to work at tkx. Dispite constant contact and messages about a start date 6 weeks later still no start date. When I look online for work sure enough staff line are looking for workers for tkx. So why wast I called to start if there taking more people on? 6 weeks of waiting for nothing when if they did want to employ me they could just of said so. Honesty is clearly not a strong point for them in my case I feel. Staffline responded on 09/04/2018: Hi Michael, I am sorry to hear this and apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please can you email [email protected] and detail the exact dates this happened and who you spoke with at the site so we can investigate further. Many thanks, Steve Miroslav Dobrev: 1/5 Stars 24/05/2018 Fired Hi i have worked for staffline in factory named St.Merry in Victoria, Cornwall. I got sick i had a SSP from the doctor for 10 days and they not only did not want to pay me the sickness but they fired me becouse i was sick. And they write down i quit by my own will. Very dissapointing ... im speechless. Staffline responded on 29/05/2018: Hi Miroslav, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please can you email [email protected] with further details of your situation so we can investigate further? We look forward to hearing from you Many thanks, Steve READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Xavier: 1/5 Stars 19/02/2019 No paid bonus I workedin the year and 2 months with this compani then moved us Burnley to Sheffild by offering bonuses of 500 /250 and 300£ 250 and 300 did notgive them to me.I went yo asknobody gave the information somebody got them others no why? I have a document about the empty promised i put out my pary but they do not! Staffline has not yet responded. Ricardo Filipe: 3/5 Stars 14/11/2019 Holidays I worked for staffline at Bernard Matthew's Holton factory from 25 July til 1st November with a total of 690 hours worked, 128 of those were overtime and also worked a bank holiday. Need to know how many holidays days should I get paid for all that time I worked for staffline. I already emailed staffline and no answer, and I can't talk with anyone from staffline office at the factory either. I think I have the right to be answered this question. Staffline responded on 21/11/2019: Hi Ricardo, I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing these problems. I would appreciate it greatly if you could email your full name, date of birth and the dates that you worked at Bernard Matthews to [email protected] so that I can look into this for you. Many thanks CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Patryk Zxxdsa: 1/5 Stars 03/09/2018 You will not find worse agency Rude and unprofessional consultant. I do not want to count how many times you need to request/phone/email/text/visit the office to get what you need. They do not respond to texts/emails, sometimes they pick up the phone. Even after moving to another job, I still have to keep chasing them about my p45, it is already over a month since I requested it!!! That is just a big joke. Would not recommend this agency to anyone. Even after sending emails to the address provided in the comments from staffline, still no response after over a week. Maybe HMRC will speed things up. Staffline has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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