T Brown Group Complaints & Reviews
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Your T Brown Group Reviews
Eloise Hall: 1/5 Stars 28/01/2019 Lies lies and lies Was booked in for an appointment today between 8am and 1pm. Called at 12.40 to ask when engineer would be attending to be told he had already attended at 9.30 and noone was home. I have not left my property all day and noone knocked on my door. Having taken the day off work (unpaid) I am very angry at this. When I asked why I did not receive and call or have a card put through my door I got several different stories from the lady on the phone who was clearly covering from him. Absolutely disgusted with the service from T Brown or lack of it. T Brown Group has not yet responded. Mark Scott: 1/5 Stars 05/02/2019 BOILER NOT WORKING..PART IN STOCK...WONT COME OUT TO FIX PM My heating boiler has not been working properly for over a month now,i have had the engineer out 4 times and he has ordered a part for it which is now available, but they will not come out in the afternoon, and as my wife and i both work mornings we cannot get an appointment, so we are STILL without heating, i really think this is highly unacceptable and when i contact Browns all as i get is"sorry there is nothing we can do because our engineers can only come out in the mornings" we cannot afford to take any more time off work for this so are we supposed to just be without heating for the unforseen future and stay in a cold home Mark Scott T Brown Group has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Liron Smadja: 1/5 Stars 25/02/2019 No heat for a month We have 5 month old twins at home, and haven't had heat for a month now. T Brown group don't answer emails or phone calls. They have said that a part needs replacing. They can't tell me when or if they can get the new part at all. 1 month later, and we're still waiting. To top it all off - I still got a bill for heating this month?! Extremely frustrated and... well.. cold! T Brown Group has not yet responded. Paul Bailey: 1/5 Stars 16/08/2019 Boiler repair I am totally discussed with the t brown has given my boiler has been broken for 3 weeks in a house with a vulnerable adult and they have it down as a minor repair its not it's a major repair they missed the first appointment I had to ring them to find out why so they gave me an appointment 10 day's away from original I wasn't happy so they said they would be over to fix it the next day but guess what I got a call saying that the parts were not at the suppliers they don't seem to understand that this issue is urgent and needs resolving immediately not in another week T Brown Group has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Tanvir Malik: 1/5 Stars 25/10/2019 Loss of heating and hot water There's always been problems with my joint boiler which I share with hundreds and when I complain the engineer dosent come the same day even though I've put complaint in the morning as it's a Friday they won't come till Monday I have 4 children it's cold and they need to have baths the thing is we can do without heating for a few days but not hot water I'm fed up they take our money but do not provide good service or the engineer comes takes a picture of my front door and says I wasn't in he never knocks on the door and he says I wasn't home they lie T Brown Group has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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