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Your The Money Club Reviews
Maria Clark: 1/5 Start 09/12/2018 Can't unsubscribe from this who want to take money from my bank The Money Club has not yet responded Michael Kiragu: 1/5 Stars 06/06/2018 Saving Money, By Taking Money. so one day after a busy night shift at work i am commuting home when i recieve a call from a number not saved in my phone, it was "The Money Club" and a friendly but enthusiastic person was on the other end, here's me thinking oh that's refreshing a nice person this early in the morning. Anyway as the story goes the "nice person" on the other side of the line proceeds to read out to me a clearly wrote out dialouge so i just let her get on with it, now coming to the end of it all after asking me basically if i liked to breathe air and me saying yes, they asked if i would like a free trial membership which would be cancelled after the first month if i didn't get in contact with them explicitly stating that i wanted it to roll over and continue also that there would be no immediate charge. You see i was very particullar in asking as i realy wasn't interested in any of it all and i made that clear, nontheless we proceed, they then asked me for date of birth, sort code and account number, at this point my brain was screaming at me and i again made it fairly clear that i wasn't happy giving my details over the line without knowing exactly what they were to be used for, after exhausting the questions they eventually said that they're for a soft credit search to ensure that i am the person and that it is a valid account and again assured me strongly that there were no charges, so i relunctuntly gave away my soul essentially. A couple of days passed and i saw a direct debit on my bank account after logging in to my online banking and i was wondering to myself since i din't have any to any "money club" then i remembered that i had recieved a cold call from that company, after realising what had happened i immedietly called tand spoke to the reception, whom seemed all to used to this type of call as they were directing me as to what to do even before i finished talking nd giving a simple outline, there was no room for making a formal complaint. the "person" whom i spoke to on the phone from reception claimed tht she would send me an email with instructions for a refund then hang up immediatly. i waited around for a little whilst checking my emails and some reviews online, then it struck me since no email had come in 30 minutes, that "person" hasn't took my name or my email, i expediently phoned back and they weren't happy hearing my voice, i kindly reminded them that i had called about the refund and reminded her that she needed my email address to send me the email, after sorting out my details i waited a further 20 minutes before going through "The Money Club", finding the enquires/complaints email and sending a separate email to them quoting times i called and what it was about since they have a policy to record phone calls i used it against them, after sending this email a further 30 minutes passed and i still had no confirmation anywhere including in the junk mil folder, i called back and lo and behold they had just recieved the email and then they told me not to call back as i didn't need to take any further actions. I didn't feel easy with their promises anymore so i went back to the website and removed myself from the database, removed myself from their mailing list, cancelled the account for definite even though i was previously promised it had been cancelled and finally double checked my email for any coresspondence which still hadn't arrived. At his point i hope that anyone reading this or searching for a review to be warned unless they know exactly what they are signing up for. The Money Club has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Simon Lewis: 1/5 Stars 04/06/2018 Misleading sales tactics - please read Can't use statements it is rejected!!!!, matter of fact and opinions t is my opinion that this company's sales techniques and what they tell you on the phone is a contradiction to what they actually do. no statement My phone conversation with their representative was to receive information through the post so long as no direct debit is setup - this instruction was explicit and implicit. What happened - THEY SET UP A DIRECT DEBIT - IN BREACH OF WHAT I TOLD THEM!!! it was also agreed and promised by their salesperson that no direct debit would be created. Either this person was incorrectly trained or deceived me. this is a matter of fact and not an opinion. Personally I will not be recommending this company to anyone friend or foe! There are no statements - so this should be acceptable The Money Club has not yet responded. Sharon Burke: 1/5 Stars 01/06/2018 Money gone from my account I went to get my benifits money out from my account and you took £125.00 I’ve no money left .. why? You said £5.00 The Money Club has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Andrea Davies: 1/5 Stars 20/02/2018 Never heard of them, so how have they taken 20 off me I noticed 20 pounds missing from my bank today. When i printed off a mini statement i found out it was a direct debit and the money club are the people responsible for taking it. Now i don't know how they got my bank details for the DD to start nor do i want to use their services. How has this happened without me being aware it was going ahead? I'm not interested in saving money when I shop because i don't get enough money in the first place to be able to shop. I'm on jsa and would not agree to anything that costs me 20 pounds per month to "save" money i don't have to spend. They're not doing me any favours by providing this service i won't use and taking money off me for the privilege of being a member into a club that claims to save me money, but in fact causes me to spend more by charging me for the service i don't use. How would they be able to access my bank without me giving my details to anyone there? The Money Club has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare the cheapest insurance quotes | Save money on your insurance bills |
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