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Voucher City Complaints & Reviews
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Your Voucher City Reviews
Paul Jeeves: 1/5 Stars 16/02/2020 Taking money out of my bank account without my consent ? I applied for a loan and was referred to a few company's, I looked at the rates and realized that it would not be good for me to do so so I decided not to take s loan out. I have recently looked at my bank statements and have noticed that £29.97 was taken from my account I googled the name and it turns out to be one of the loan companies that I looked at but did not sign onto? How have they taken money from my account without my consent to my this is theft? Voucher City has not yet responded. Daryl Llewellyn: 1/5 Stars 11/06/2018 Why has money been taken from my account I've had a banc statement and it's showing you have taken £30 from my account how is this never agreed to nothing and never dealt with u before Voucher City has not yet responded. READ MORE: Shopping Guides & Tips | How to Avoid Scams & Online Shopping Problems |
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Ceri Woodcock: 1/5 Stars 24/11/2017 Why are they taking 29.95 a month out off my bank? I would like to know why 29.95 has been taken out off my account every month. I have no account with them so this should not be happening. If I don't get a refund off them I will be going to trading standards. I get no confirmation or emails to say they are taking this money now I am left overdrawn on my bank and have fees to pay. I will visit trading standards and take this further if not sorted Voucher City has not yet responded. Peter Bayley: 1/5 Stars 27/10/2017 Unauthorised payments This company has took £29.97 out of my account I have not phoned as yet as it's to early but I am fuming Never heard of the company or don't know how they have my bank details But reading other complaints on here they seem to be fleecing a lot of us. I have emailed them but let's see of they reply Voucher City has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: You could save up to £497 on your energy bills by switching your supplier| COMPARE ENERGY QUOTES NOW |
Ceri Woodcock: 1/5 Stars 03/12/2017 Payments Unfortunately you have not taken my complaint seriously so I am left with no choice but to seek legal advice on the matter. You have been taking money out off my account every month with out my permission. I have asked you to refund this back to my account (all the months you have taken it=4 months) unfortunately you have ignored all my emails so I have no choice. Tomorrow I will be taking this further Voucher City has not yet responded. CLICK HERE: Compare insurance quotes | You could save money on your insurance bills |
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You could save up to £497 on your energy bills! |